Ziyarat to see in Mecca & Medina

Mecca has lots of holy places for you to visit during your Umrah trip. These sacred places hold immense spiritual value for the pilgrims. When you book your Umrah transport with us, you can also sign up for the Ziyarat of Mecca. Medina tul Munawwarah, also known as the Prophet’s, is the most peaceful city in Saudi Arabia, with plenty of significant places to admire its visitors. Umrah Experts has enlisted some mesmerizing must-see attractions for Umrah pilgrims to go and explore with our help. Please sign up for Ziyarat with Umrah Experts.


The Kaaba, sometimes referred to as al-Ka'ba al-Musharrafa, is a stone building at the center of Islam's most important mosque and holiest site, the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is considered by Muslims to be the Bayt Allah and is the qibla for Muslims around the world.

Jannat al Mualla
Jannat al Mualla

This cemetery is located to the north of Masjid-al-Haram and has graves of relatives of our Holy Prophet (SAW). His wife Hazrat Khadija (R.A) his grandfather (Abdul Muttalib) and his other ancestors are buried there. The cemetery holds great historical importance and is a place to pay respect to relatives of the Prophet.


Masjid-al-Nabawi also named as Prophet's mosque is situated in the Hejazi region of Medina and is the 3rd mosque integrated with the background of Islam, which is the relaxing area of the Holy Prophet (SAW). It is the biggest mosque on the planet, and countless individuals from different regions come to pray in this breathtaking mosque every year.

Jannat al Baqi
Jannat al Baqi

The Garden of Baqi, also known as Jannat-ul-Baqi, is an ancient cemetery in Medina, Saudi Arabia. It is one of the most important and beloved Muslim burial places in the world. The cemetery is thought to include the graves of various notable personalities from Islamic history, including several of the Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) associates and family members. The graves of the Prophet's loving Daughter, Hazrat Fatima bint Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), and his grandson, Imam Hasan (A.S), are among them.

When you come to perform Umrah from miles and miles away, we at Umrah Experts make sure that you don't miss out on any holy place consisting of spiritual and religious values by offering you not only necessary airports and hotel transfers but also the tour to the sightseeing (Ziarat) of both Mecca and Medina

We have multiple modes of vehicles from a single luxury sedan to multiple GMC or busses. Whether you are a family or a group, we at Umrah Experts ensure that this trip is not just worth the money for Umrah pilgrims but also provides ways for you to perform multiple Umrah by letting you in and out of Miqat Point. These vehicles are available in either a 2-person or 12-person vehicle. You also have the option to book your additional transport.

Travel to Mecca:

While travelling to Mecca your transportation route will be subject to your ticket:
Jeddah Airport to Mecca
Transfers from Mecca to Medina
Medina back to Jeddah or Medina Airport

Travel to Medina:

While traveling to Medina your typical route will be:
Jeddah airport to Medina by road or air
Transfers from Medina to Mecca
Mecca back to Jeddah airport

Now pilgrims can book the option from mere transfers to further extend into booking Mecca and Medina Ziyarat by choosing the vehicle of their own choice. We at Umrah Experts are just a call away and ready to provide you with the best religious experience, giving you the finest customer service. Tour guides will be available on request.